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Achieve Optimal Health Clinic’s mission is to help clients feel better and achieve the optimal health possible for each person.
Jo Ann Mason has broad knowledge and experience in a wide variety of healing methods and practices, including:
- Bowenwork® (Instructor and Practitioner)
- Huna (Hawaiian energy healing technique)
- Energy Medicine
- Voila Structural Joint Balancing
- Matrix Energetics
- Hendrickson Method of Orthopedic Massage and Manual Therapy
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Craniosacral
- Massage Therapy
- Reiki Master
Achieve Optimal Health Clinic addresses the following issues:
- Muscular and skeletal problems, such as back and neck pain, sciatica
- Hip, knee, foot and ankle pain or restrictions
- Frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel
- Stress, anxiety, depression
- TMJ, Tinnitus
- Asthma and other respiratory problems, allergies, sinus issues
- Digestive issues, diarrhea, constipation
- Migraines, headaches
- Insomnia
- Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- PMS, hormonal, pregnancy, infertility
- Injuries - sports, traumatic
- Problems with posture and body alignment
- Release of negative emotions (anger, sadness, fear, guilt, anxiety), limiting beliefs and phobias that may be holding you back in your life
Whatever your issue, Achieve Optimal Health Clinic can assist you to feel better in all cases and heal in many.
Achieve Optimal Health Clinic provides individualized sessions tailored to your specific needs.

Please call (408) 891-4383 to schedule an appointment.
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